Ace Rally Limited


When Chinese medicine meets Western technology..

Cancer has existed for all of human history. The earliest written record regarding cancer is from circa 1600 BC in the Egyptian Edwin Smith Papyrus. Hippocrates – The father of western medicine, described several kinds of cancer, referring to them with the Greek wordκαρκ?νο? karkinos (means crab ). It perfectly matches not only the shape but also the nasty character of cancer.

Ace Rally is a company that produces and markets the total solution of health supplements in Asia . We dedicate to work closely with those patients who suffer fetal sickness - Cancer. Driven by this vision, the Ace Rally team sought out the best natural resources and herbs for all the ingredients needed to produce modern nutraceuticals with high quality, safety and reliability that enable modern urban residents to prevent, to recovery, to improve their health.

To accomplish this, Ace Rally specializes in extracting health treasures based on the essence of traditional Chinese medicine and natural resource, and manufactures them to the highest Western pharmaceutical standards with the help of sophisticated modern technology.

We want to live longer, also healthier with quality. Cancer is one of the biggest nightmare of human, it threats not only our life, also our family, even the entire human race. Ace Rally wants to devote our time and energy to defeat this horrible sickness by providing the most nutritional and natural gift from our mother earth.

Product information



癌症一直困擾人類. 最早有關癌症的文獻, 記載於西元前1600年, 埃及史上第一位留名的醫師印何闐所留下的資料“艾德溫史密斯紙草文稿”(Edwin Smith Papyrus)之中. 西方醫學之父- 希波克拉底, 他用希臘文形容癌症如同螃蟹 (cancer)…這樣的命名來自於惡性腫瘤的表面形狀:惡性腫瘤通常有一個堅實的中心, 然後向周遭伸出一些分支, 像極螃蟹的形狀及其頑劣的性格.

Ace Rally 團隊們都曾經遭受因癌症失去親人的切膚之痛, 因此我們致力將所學所見發揮在與癌症病患一同對抗疾病. 利用自然資源及中國草藥與西方科學結合, 研發出適合現代人的一系列預防, 修護及保健的產品.

為了達成以上所述之目的, Ace Rally 團隊專研於萃取, 分離, 結合各種不同的中草藥及自然資源. 再配合大量的科技及臨床實驗, 製出符合世界安全標準的抗癌藥物.
我們都想長命百歲, 但是也要活得有品質. 癌症是人類生命最大的惡夢, 它不但殘害我們的性命, 影響了我們的家庭, 更威脅了全人類. Ace Rally 全心投入更多的時間, 精力對抗這可怕的疾病, 善加利用大自然給我們的天然良方.

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